At Durham Mill, September 25, 2pm

Please join David Bretz and Jim Hill as they give a presentation on early surveying in Pennsylvania. David Bretz, a professional land surveyor, will give his presentation, “Colonial Corners” that will discuss William Penn’s land distribution system and its effects on early European settlement here in the Upper Bucks County region as Penn partitioned the land and sold it into private ownership. Bretz will “follow in the footsteps of the original surveyor” as he retraces the first property lines of Provincial Pennsylvania to recover original property corners that were set some 250 years ago. Original land documents will also be reviewed to gain insight on how and why the land was first settled. Jim Hill, an avid collector of antique measuring devices shared parts of his collection in the exhibit “Magnificent Measures”that was on display last summer at the Mercer Museum. Jim will be bringing along some rare and truly unique pieces of survey equipment that date to the 18th and early 19th century. This is a great opportunity to not only learn about the original settlement of the Durham area but to also see up close some truly unique and historic survey equipment, some of which has never been displayed before.

Light refreshments will be served. The presentation is free although contributions would be welcomed.